As many of you would be witnessing, we are smack in the middle of the breeding season. This is an exciting time of year for our
Birds are one of the few domestic pets that we do not desex. As such, we see many undesirable behaviours that are directly related to the increase in sex hormones that occur during the breeding season. These may include excessive egg laying, masturbation, aggression, screaming and self-mutilation. All of these behaviours can be very problematic and can become more difficult to control the longer they persist. The most common of these is excessive egg laying which predisposes hens to a range of reproductive disorders, many of which can be
Most of these unwelcome behaviours can be resolved or improved with a raft of simple management changes and with the adoption of some simple behavioural techniques.
Most birds are flock animals. Outside the breeding season they are social, tolerant of other flock members and much less territorial of their cage and mates. Most of the management strategies that we promote try to revert our companion birds hormonal cycles from a breeding to a non- breeding state. Diet, photoperiod, cage design and owner interactions may all be considered. The addition and implementation of different training techniques can also help curb some of the aggression that we see at this time of year.
Our aim is to have companion birds that are well trained, confident, easy going, relaxed and adaptable. These traits ensure that there is greater interaction with their owners, leading to a more enriched owner – bird relationship.
If you feel that your bird is exhibiting any of the above behaviours, please telephone the surgery on 07 3359 2233 for a consultation. Speak to one of our helpful nurses they should be able to determine if a 30 or 60 minute consultation is required.